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Privacy policy

At Nippon Kyohan Kogyo, we are committed to protecting the privacy of customers who use the websites operated by us.
To provide services, we must collect personal information about you (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”), and we take various measures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of that information. Nippon Kyohan Kogyo respects your privacy. Nippon Kyohan Kogyo is not involved in the sale, exchange, or otherwise unauthorized use of personal information by other methods at all.
By using this website and providing your personal information, you will be deemed to have accepted and consented to the handling of personal information, etc. described in this Privacy Policy.

Purpose of collecting personal information

Nippon Kyohan Kogyo uses the personal information Nippon Kyohan Kogyo collects from customers for the following purposes:

Disclosure of personal information

In the following case, Nippon Kyohan Kogyo may disclose your personal information without your prior consent:
When the disclosure of your personal information is required by a subpoena, warrant, order, etc. from the police, a court, or another governmental agency or it is necessary to protect human lives or bodies or property and it is difficult to obtain your consent.

About cookies

Cookies are a mechanism of checking users by sending a small data file from the website server to users’ hard disks or memory when they view a website. Some of the websites operated by Nippon Kyohan Kogyo use this mechanism to enable visitors to view the websites more conveniently.
In addition, we use cookies to appropriately post banner advertisements displayed on the website, but they do not violate the privacy of those who view the advertisements. It is possible to disable cookies on the user’s browser, but some services will become unavailable.

About behavioral targeting advertisements

Our services may distribute behavioral targeting advertisements. In distributing them, we use some behavioral targeting services provided by third-party companies. In order to distribute advertisements more suitable for customer needs to customers on this service and on affiliated websites of third-party companies, a behavioral targeting service by third-party companies may obtain, accumulate, and use behavioral history information related to cookies, APIs, or similar technologies used to collect data. The information obtained by third-party companies will not be provided or disclosed to Nippon Kyohan Kogyo and will be managed in accordance with the privacy principles set forth by the third-party companies.

About traffic surveys

In order to measure how users view the websites operated by Nippon Kyohan Kogyo, the websites may use cookies for collecting users’ website visit history information and user data (age, gender, interest, concern, etc.), mobile device identification information (Android’s advertisement identifiers, iOS’s advertisement identifiers, etc.), or similar technologies used to collect data, using the following services operated by third parties: The information obtained by each third-party service provider will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the service provider.

Terms of use of Google Analytics and privacy policy

When you do not want your data to be used by Google Analytics

Microsoft Clarity privacy policy

How to supervise employees

We provide appropriate education on the importance of protecting personal information on a timely or regular basis. In addition, when we manage personal information, we assign a management representative for appropriate management, and also make efforts to prevent it from being leaked to the outside.
We also implement appropriate and reasonable safety measures to protect customers’ personal information against the risk of unauthorized access, tampering, etc. from the outside.
We limit access to databases, etc. pertaining to personal information to those who have access rights, and place them under strict control to prevent unauthorized use within the company.


The use of personal information by a link complies with the link’s own privacy policy, not our privacy policy.

Revision of this privacy policy

In order to improve the services we provide to our customers, we will review and improve the contents of the items shown above as appropriate.
Any and all changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this website.
You can keep informed about how we collect and use your privacy information by reading any updated privacy statement on this website.
Please check the privacy statement regularly.
In addition, whenever we use personal information in a way that is different from what was stated when the information was collected, we will post it on this website or inform you by e-mail.
You have the right to choose whether this website may use your personal information in a different way than it was originally intended to be used.

Inquiries about the privacy policy

If you have any inquiries about the handling of personal information, please contact the following:

Nippon Kyohan Kogyo Co., Ltd.
General Affairs Department, Headquarters
12-22 Mitejima 6-chome, Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 555-0012, Japan
Tel: 81-6-6472-4772 (main) Fax: 81-6-6477-1430