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Products[ Head plate ]

Hemispherical head

This product is used for a wide variety of vessels. It offers the best pressure resistance and superb visual appeal. It’s also used for various monuments.


Equipment, plants, food, chemicals, and water treatment

Product shape

Symbols and descriptions

H = Height
h = Height minus flange length
l = Flange length
R = Internal radius at center (crown radius)
t = Thickness (nominal thickness)
T. L. = Tangent line
D = Internal diameter

Head plate list

Contact Please feel free to contact us even about products that other manufacturers refused to produce.

Details, such as manufacturing methods, materials, processes, and the required number of days for manufacture, and products each manufacturer can deal with are different.
Please feel free to contact Nippon Kyohan Kogyo even if you have not agreed with another company on the conditions of a product you are considering or of a current project you want to review. We can propose the best possible measures that combine the technical capabilities we have accumulated as a manufacturer specialized in head plates and the production of cans by our overseas group affiliate via the Overseas Sales dept.