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Products[ Manhole cover ]

[Non-pressure vessel] SUS cover for food/chemical equipment



-The SMR-F is designed to be mounted on top of a tank or container and used for inspections of tank or container interiors and to load materials.
-The SMR-F features a clamp ring. The cover plate is opened and closed in one movement without a tool. It's highly airtight.
-The clamp ring, cover plate, and gasket for the SMR-F are easily attached and detached. With minimal numbers of weld joints, the manhole cover is easily washed and kept clean.

Operating method

-To open and close the cover plate, remove the stopper pin from the clamp ring to unlock the handle and push the handle inward to widen the ring. Open the cover plate holding the handle and the cover plate.


Silicone rubber


-NK-SMR-F500 (internal diameter of 500 mm)
-NK-SMR-F450 (internal diameter of 450 mm)

Product data

Manhole cover list

Contact Please feel free to contact us even about products that other manufacturers refused to produce.

Details, such as manufacturing methods, materials, processes, and the required number of days for manufacture, and products each manufacturer can deal with are different.
Please feel free to contact Nippon Kyohan Kogyo even if you have not agreed with another company on the conditions of a product you are considering or of a current project you want to review. We can propose the best possible measures that combine the technical capabilities we have accumulated as a manufacturer specialized in head plates and the production of cans by our overseas group affiliate via the Overseas Sales dept.