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SDGs declaration

CSR social and environmental contributions

Environmental philosophy

We’ve been actively pursuing environmental activities since before we obtained ISO 9001 certification in 1995, a first for the head plate industry.
Our company rules clearly stipulate our obligations and responsibility to comply with laws and regulations in all our daily activities.
Consideration for the environment is another major preoccupation. Keeping environmental protection in mind in every aspect of our operations, we seek to earn and maintain societal and customer trust and customer satisfaction.

Environmental activities

Introduction to CSR and SDGs activities

SDGs declaration of Nippon Kyohan Kogyo Co., Ltd.

We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocated by the United Nations, and declare that we will continue to work to solve various issues in pursuit of realizing a society in which people and nature can harmonize and develop under the management philosophy of “Nippon Kyohan Kogyo strives to achieve continuing growth and to bring fulfillment to all.”

February 1, 2022
Nippon Kyohan Kogyo Co., Ltd.
President Saburo Kobayashi

Nippon Kyohan Kogyo Co., Ltd. SDGS

Nippon Kyohan Kogyo is committed to the following activities:

Contributing to realizing an affluent society by establishing a one-of-a-kind brand
Quality Education Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Responsible Consumption and Production Partnerships for the Goals

Contributing to realizing an affluent society by establishing a one-of-a-kind brand

In order to realize a sustainable society, we implement medium- and long-term actions toward problem-solving and thereby contribute to creating an affluent society.

  • Through the 2030 Education Program, we train operators and pass down skills.
  • We strengthen our production system by promoting automation and labor saving (eliminating waste in work processes, reducing the number of personnel, reviewing the work performed by people and improving efficiency)
  • We also contribute to developing overseas industries by providing Japan quality through our overseas sales network
Creating a society harmonizing with the environment
Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life On Land Partnerships for the Goals

Creating a society harmonizing with the environment

We contribute to creating a society harmonizing with the environment by striving to control our own environmental burdens while fulfilling commitments to our stakeholders.

  • We contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through company-wide energy-saving activities and paperless operations.
  • We promote recycling, reuse, and reduction through eco-cap activities, collection campaigns for empty contact lens cases, etc., and conserve the environment.
  • We contribute to creating a society harmonizing with the environment by building a recycling/reuse network with stakeholders.
Promoting a work environment that is comfortable for all employees
Good Health and Well-Being Quality Education Gender Equality Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promoting a work environment that is comfortable for all employees

We promote a safe and secure working environment, sound management, diversity, and social contribution activities.

  • We conduct 6S activities to create a safe and secure working environment.
  • All employees understand the management policy and seek sound management.
  • We make further use of the proposal system to create a comfortable working environment.
  • We value the ties with local people through factory tours.
Thorough compliance
Quality Education Gender Equality Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Responsible Consumption and Production Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Thorough compliance

In order to realize our management philosophy, we fulfill our corporate social mission by thoroughly complying with laws and regulations and promoting corporate activities based on human rights awareness.

  • We aim to become a company that is consistently trusted by society by implementing our Employee Charter.

  • We retain a high standard of ethics through compliance education for all employees.

Introduction to CSR and SDGs activities